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I commenced my guitar studies at an early age after hearing the great Spanish guitarist, Andres Segovia.
Learning the basics from the eminent Brazilian guitarist, Laurindo Almeida, I began formal studies with John Mills and Peter Calvo, (a disciple of Len Williams [father of John]) at the Sydney Spanish Guitar Centre.
I currently teach at my private studio in Box Hill, Victoria, where I specialise in performance practice, music history, theory, form and analysis, and ear training. Preparations for examinations, competitions and concerts can also be arranged.
Having taught for over 40 years I saw the need for teachers, performers, students and aficionados to network and so published and edited the Australian Guitar Journal and the Music Teacher Magazine.
A broad taste in music has encouraged me to embrace a wide repertoire in his programs – these range from the lute music of the Renaissance to the great masters Bach and Britten.
– Ron Payne HonFNMSM
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L. Brouwer: Studies, Noviembre others
A. Carlevaro Microstudies, others
D, Scarlatti: Sonatas
F. Sor: Estudios, Variations on a Theme by Mozart
M. Carcassi: Estudios
J.S. Bach: Cello and Lute Suites, Chaconne, Prelude, Fugue & Allegro, others
I. Albeniz: Asturias
F, Tarrega: Capricho Arabe, Alelita, Lagrima, others
A. Barrios: La Catedral, Julia Florida, others
A. Lauro: Valse Criollo
S, Myers: Cavatina
E, Granados: Spanish Dance # 5
B. Britten: Nocturnal
F. Torroba: Sonatina in A, Castles of Spain
H. Villa Lobos: Choros, Preludes, Etudes, Popular Brazilian Suite
J. Dowland: Galliards
J. Duarte: English SuiteM.Giuliani: Studies, Variations, Grand Overture, Rossinianes others
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M. Llobet: El Testament d’Amelia, El Noi de la Mare, others
G. Sanz: Canarios
M. Ponce: Preludes, Variations sur Folia de Espana
J. Malats: Serenata
W. Walton: Bagatelles
A. Mudarra: Fantasia 10
L. Narvaez: Variations on Guarde Las Vacas
R. De Visee: Suites
S. Weiss: Passacaglia & Fantasia
L. Milan: Pavans
C. Byrd: Blues
A. York: Sunburst and others
R. Towner: Various
T Takemitsu: Songs for the guitar
R Dyens: Letters, Tango
J Morel: Danza Brazilera, others
The Beatles: Various
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What Students Say
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Jim Lynch
Infinite Patience
“When I told Ron I was 58 and the only thing I had ever played was the radio. He thought I was kidding. In three months I have progressed further than I had ever expected. I can now work my way through various musical pieces, read music slowly and am confident that with a bit of dedication and your continued help and infinite patience I will be playing even better in another three months. Thanks Ron.”
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Evan Hopkins
“Ron played a pivotal role in preparing me for tertiary auditions. His insight and helpful advice offered a fresh perspective that helped me reach my full potential and the performance opportunities he offered were invaluable in helping me learn how to deal with nerves. I am extremely thankful for the time he invested in me.”
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Louis Arcoraci
Vast Knowledge and Wisdom
“Thanks Ron, for the valuable help and guidance in preparation for Licentiate Diploma. Your vast knowledge and wisdom helped to make this journey an enlightening and exciting one.”
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Book your guitar lessons now! Call 0419 345 088